Course Overview
This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply knowledge, practical skills and experience in leadership and management across a range of enterprise and industry contexts. Individuals at this level display initiative and judgement in planning, organising, implementing and monitoring their own workload and the workload of others. They use communication skills to support individuals and teams to meet organisational or enterprise requirements. They plan, design, apply and evaluate solutions to unpredictable problems, and identify, analyse and synthesise information from a variety of sources.
Course Structure
What is offered for this qualification? ✓ Full-time or Part-time ✓ Distance learning and supports self-paced learning. Study will include a combination of face-to-face, online, home based learning. You will be required to undertake the following:
• Course material reading
• Research of assignment tasks
• Course work activities
Course Prerequisites
• Ability to use and understand English
• International students to have a Current Visa and passport
• unless secondary school has been conducted in English, an IELTS score of 6.0 or equivalent
Entry Requirements.
It is advantageous that you have:
• Basic computer literacy
• The ability to work in groups
• Work autonomously and be able to carry out research
Course Duration
• 1 – 2 years
Course Intake Dates
• Rolling intakes
Course Fees
• Contact our Administration Team for current curse fees
This qualification is traineeship and subsidised training. Eligibility and criteria for subsidised training is available through Skills SA:
Recognition of Prior Learning
Recognition of prior learning is available and involves assessment of an individual’s prior learning (including formal, informal and non-formal learning) to determine competency. RPL shall be reviewed upon request